Here is our first family christmas photo! Most of you will be getting one in the mail!!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
HOUSE and a Chubby Girl
Sorry for not posting in a long time! Felipe and I have been extremely busy with our new baby and our NEW HOUSE! We just bought a house last week in South Portland. We fell in love with it from the first time we walked through the door. As much as we loved the house though, it needs a lot of work. We have had an extrordinary amount of help from our friends and family. Our general contractor (Gavin Stone) has been hard at work helping us with demo and drywalling, and various other projects. Dan Jr and Dan Sr have been available for assisting Mr. Stone with his work on our new house, and have been so awesome with their advice and hard work! Dan Sr has a friend named Tim who is doing the mudding and taping of the drywall (this is a huge help)! I honestly don't know what we would do without any one of them to help us!
I also have to thank Cheryl, Tiffany, Melissa, Dana, Stephen, George and Jared for the all the help they have been to us in the moving process. I can't wait to move into our new is a pre-renovation picture of the outside. I will have some pictures of the new and improved house when we finish it.
Sofia Mae is getting big! At her last doctor appointment she weighed 11lbs, 12oz and was 22.5 inches long. She is smiling, cooing and laughing all the time. I will post some pictures of this when I get a chance, but for now, here is a picture of her in her new winter hat. Our girl will be three months old in a few days!! Time has flown by...
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Happy Birthday Sofia Mae Andrade!
Happy Birthday to Sofia Mae!
She was born on her due date 9/9/2007! Sofia weighed 7lbs. 14oz. and was 20 inches long! She is awesome...we love her so much. She is sleeping, eating and pooping very well!!
Here's our girl!!! (She looks just like Felipe, but has my eyes when she is angry!!)
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Here are some photos from a photoshoot that we did with my friend courtenay. I haven't figure out how to put the pictures in order so they are just placed here randomly. I think someday Sofia will look at these pictures and be so embarassed at how wierd her parents are, and I like that!! Hehehehe!! Anyway, Courtenay did an amazing job and I am sooooo happy that I will have these pictures of when little Sofia was in my belly. Let me know what you think!
Monday, June 25, 2007
Sorry I haven't updated in a while. It has been a very crazy month and a half. So now I am seven months (and a week) pregnant. Felipe is here, and I am so happy. I honestly don't know what I will do when he has to go back to do the next round of paper work. He has been so incredibly supportive of me and I love him so much. Oh yeah, and we got engaged! You can see pictures of the ring in some of the photos I think. He proposed in the most perfect way. Anyway, everything is going really well here. We are living with my mom until he comes back and we feel a little more settled with our new little baby!! Everything has been going very well with little Sofia, but I haven't been feeling very well. My blood sugar has been coming back high and I have to go back for my fourth test today. The last time I was at the doctor, they told us that she weighed 2lbs and 10 oz!! So from now until she is born she will just grow.
I put some photos of Felipe and me at Canobie Lake Park ( a field trip that we took the kids on), as well as some photos of the baby shower that my awesome coworkers had for me. I got almost everything I needed!! Sorry I don't have any good pictures of the belly. I will put some up soon, I swear!
Friday, April 20, 2007
It's a Girl!
I am so excited it's a girl. Everyone had me conviced that I was having a boy. The sonographer asked if I wanted to know the sex and I told her I did, but that I wanted her to take the picture and then see if I could tell what it was (Meg and I have been studying ultrasound pictures). Then when she started the ultrasound, we realized that the baby had it's legs together and crossed! I though I was going to have to go without knowing what she was! Then after about a half hour, the sonographer took a quick shot, and I knew immediately it was a girl! I guess what you look for in baby girls is the apprearance of three little white lines. With boys, there are no lines and obviously a little weenie. I included the picture of her girl parts so you could see for yourself. The other photos are of her face ( i think she has my nose!) and her leg. We are so excited that it's a girl!! Yippeee!
Her name is going to be Sofia Mae Andrade.
I'll post again soon when I have more updates!<
Friday, March 30, 2007
This is me drinking a beer on new year's eve. I really wasn't in the mood to drink (wonder why!!) but I had one to celebrate the new year. I think it was two days after this that I found out I was pregnant!!
The other photo is the night that felipe decided he would go to the mall and pick me up at work in his pajamas. It was all fine and good until he told me that he ran into some of my high school students. I was sooo embarassed!!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Our Trip to NYC
Felipe sent me some nice pictures that we took when we were in New York in January for the IAJE conference. Here they are!