Friday, December 5, 2008

A few things off my chest...

I want to be a stay at home Mom and I want to have another baby now!

(just thought I'd say these things out loud even though I know they aren't going to happen)

Hope you're having a great week. I'll post more later...hahah yeah right!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Gift Ideas

The past year of my life has been one of very many changes, from a quickly expanding family and new house, as well as the loss of many important people in my life. Through these changes I have started to learn more about helping others and the good it brings.

I have already talked about A Real Hope for Haiti in earlier posts. Through this website, I found Maggie's story ( It is absolutely heart wrenching to think of a child my daughter's age, enduring all that she has. I check on her daily and find it so inspiring to see the courage her parents maintain given everything they have been through.

So, I was looking on today and I realized that if you go to this page...

... you are able to look at and buy for St. Jude's Children's hospital as well as other causes. What an AWESOME idea!

Instead of buying all of the usual odds and ends that we buy to stuff stockings with, or buying an extra big ticket item for a family member, how cool would it be to give a gift in someone's honor?! I think this is a great way to show people you care, and also help out people who really need it at the same time.

I was also reading another person's blog about how a great gift idea is to give four presents to each person you buys for. One gift they NEED, one gift they WANT, one gift they WEAR and one gift they can READ. I think we are going to do this for Christmas this year. The additional goal is to have one things that is used within one of these gift categories.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Boston's Children Museum

This weekend we took Sofia to the Boston Children's Museum and we all had a blast! It was so amazing to be able to put Sofia down and let her run and have fun without worry about her getting hurt. The toddler room at the museum was incredible. She probably would have stayed in there all day if we hadn't wanted to see everything the museum had to offer. These are some photos of our day!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I haven't posted in more than a month and this is why... I've been busy! And, I really wanted this to be my next post!! So, here it is. I still haven't wrapped my mind around the fact that I have a beautiful, happy and healthy daughter who is over a year old now! The past year really is a blur. But when I look at all of these memories, it makes feel so awesome to know all of the amazing things we have been through as a family. I never knew that it was going to feel like THIS to be a Mom. I honestly don't know if I would ever be the person I am now, without her. I love you Sofia Mae! Happy belated birthday big girl!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sofia's first time at the beach!

We had some great weather last week so we decided to make an impromptu stop at the beach. I thought Sofia would love the sand and the water. She liked the water (especially when it was in her mouth), but she really really hated the sand. I should have known better. Sofia won't wear shoes or socks, hates walking on grass or really anything with texture - and if you try to cover her up at night, will manage to keep the blankets covering everything except her legs and feet. Oh well! We'll try again next year!

Friday, August 22, 2008

almost one year

Sofia's first birthday is coming up in two weeks. I went today to see if I could have her photos done. Needless to say, it was a fiasco. There were a few good shots but it took the lady forever, she didn't know what she was doing and she missed so many cute shots. So, I will not be buying anything from that store. Instead I am going to have her photos done again at my favorite place in the mall! Here are a few of the pics from the first place. Keep in mind that we were there for over an hour just trying to get a shot and these were by far the best. There are two I really like!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

So finally, I have some new pics for y'all. It's been a little crazy here lately between remodeling the bathroom, teaching at various camps, and doing Sofia things. I'm still not sure how to put my pics in any particular order when I post (they always ust get all mixed up) so here are some pics from the past two months. Some are from the fourth of July, some are from random crazyiness around the house and a few are from my sister's house. Sofia already is looking so different from the Fourth of July pics than she does in the ones from this month. So enjoy!

Recently we also welcomed Petros Engelhardt into our family!! I often wondered if you could feel the same love for a child that you adopt as you do with biological children. The verdict is offically in on that. Petros is not even my child and I feel that same excitement and love for him that I did when I had Sofia. I am always so excited to see him, and expecially to play with him. I swear he is the cutest little guy in the whole world, and he such a good little boy, too! Felipe and I went up to Dan and Tiff's last week with a special welcome home dinner. We had some much fun! But the highlight of the night was when Petros came up to me and said "I justa wanna see your belly" and proceeded to lift up my shirt and blow a huge raspberry on my BELLY! I just about fell on the floor. It was so freaking cute. And then he kept doing it!!! Anyway, I love him. Felipe and I seem to be fighting more and more over who plays with Sofia when we are around Petros (sounds kinda bad huh?). I can't wait for the girls to get to that age that they can play and do the silly/cute things he is doing.

Anyway, i'll post again soon! (right!)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

40 day fast and Lori's website

I'll warn you that this page is very graphic. However, I've been reading it a lot and it breaks my heart. I am donating to this place and am trying to get some of the supplies together on their "list of needs". If you have anything that you would like to give, please let me know. This is Lori's page. She is a nurse living and working in Haiti, and is pretty much awesome.

Below is a link about the 40 day fast that I will be taking part in. Think about it.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

long overdue wedding photos

Happy 1st Father's Day Felipe!

Here is a picture of the t-shirt that we made for Felipe for Father's Day! It was next to impossible to get Sofia to put her hands down in the paint and then on the shirt, but with Catalina's help we were able to do it. Then I just printed out her picture and the words on my computer (using iron on transfer sheets in the printer), and ironed it on! It was really easy, and Felipe loved it. What you can't see in the picture is that we also painted him a picture using finger paints. It came out great! Overall, the day was a success!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Bennett Engelhardt!!!

I am so incredibly shocked and ecstatic that we have a Bennett! Well, Dan and Tiff got a Bennett, but I am so excited for them. He is so cute. I cannot wait to meet him and play with him and bring him places and do all kinds of fun Auntie and Bennett things!!! I had all I could do to not burst into tears yesterday when they showed me his sweet little face. I am so happy that they don't have to wait anymore to know what he looks like!! Now, though, we have a little bit more time before we get to meet him, so I think we should spent that time shopping. I am going to spend my studyhall today looking for things for him! AHHHHH! I am so excited. OH! And they got the referral on my BIRTHDAY! I was going to guess it, but I thought that would be cheesy.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I had a great first Mother's Day! I woke up at 7:30 to the sound of Sofia waving a large cellophane balloon in the air that read "Happy Mother's Day"! Felipe brought her in to wake me up. What a nice suprise. After that we went to my Mom's to give her a mother's day gift and this picture of Sofia (8 months). Then we had a nice family breakfast at Governor's in So Po. Felipe later had to go to work, and I went to celebrate Jeneka's graduation and going away party. It was nice to be with family on Mother's Day. I was sad though, because I know that Felipe had a really hard time being without his mom on this day. He misses her so much! We sent her some pictures of Sofia and a nice email and talked to her on the phone later that day. I hope to see her soon.

Later that night, Felipe's boss invited us to dinner which was fun. Excellent food always makes me happy. Anyway, I am anxiously (very anxiously) waiting for some news about Marin/Bennett and cannot wait to find out some referral news! It's coming soon Dan and Tiff...I know it!!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Felipe!

Here are some pictures from Felipe's 24th birthday on Sunday. It was a lot of fun. I am so glad that so many people were able to make it, including Juan who came all the way from Colombia! Here are some photos from the party and cake fight!