Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sofia's first time at the beach!

We had some great weather last week so we decided to make an impromptu stop at the beach. I thought Sofia would love the sand and the water. She liked the water (especially when it was in her mouth), but she really really hated the sand. I should have known better. Sofia won't wear shoes or socks, hates walking on grass or really anything with texture - and if you try to cover her up at night, will manage to keep the blankets covering everything except her legs and feet. Oh well! We'll try again next year!

Friday, August 22, 2008

almost one year

Sofia's first birthday is coming up in two weeks. I went today to see if I could have her photos done. Needless to say, it was a fiasco. There were a few good shots but it took the lady forever, she didn't know what she was doing and she missed so many cute shots. So, I will not be buying anything from that store. Instead I am going to have her photos done again at my favorite place in the mall! Here are a few of the pics from the first place. Keep in mind that we were there for over an hour just trying to get a shot and these were by far the best. There are two I really like!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

So finally, I have some new pics for y'all. It's been a little crazy here lately between remodeling the bathroom, teaching at various camps, and doing Sofia things. I'm still not sure how to put my pics in any particular order when I post (they always ust get all mixed up) so here are some pics from the past two months. Some are from the fourth of July, some are from random crazyiness around the house and a few are from my sister's house. Sofia already is looking so different from the Fourth of July pics than she does in the ones from this month. So enjoy!

Recently we also welcomed Petros Engelhardt into our family!! I often wondered if you could feel the same love for a child that you adopt as you do with biological children. The verdict is offically in on that. Petros is not even my child and I feel that same excitement and love for him that I did when I had Sofia. I am always so excited to see him, and expecially to play with him. I swear he is the cutest little guy in the whole world, and he such a good little boy, too! Felipe and I went up to Dan and Tiff's last week with a special welcome home dinner. We had some much fun! But the highlight of the night was when Petros came up to me and said "I justa wanna see your belly" and proceeded to lift up my shirt and blow a huge raspberry on my BELLY! I just about fell on the floor. It was so freaking cute. And then he kept doing it!!! Anyway, I love him. Felipe and I seem to be fighting more and more over who plays with Sofia when we are around Petros (sounds kinda bad huh?). I can't wait for the girls to get to that age that they can play and do the silly/cute things he is doing.

Anyway, i'll post again soon! (right!)