Friday, March 30, 2007

These are my ultrasound photos of the munchkin from 9 weeks and 14 weeks. They are a little blurry, but for the most part you can make everything out. I like how the baby has completely flipped around!

This is me drinking a beer on new year's eve. I really wasn't in the mood to drink (wonder why!!) but I had one to celebrate the new year. I think it was two days after this that I found out I was pregnant!!

The other photo is the night that felipe decided he would go to the mall and pick me up at work in his pajamas. It was all fine and good until he told me that he ran into some of my high school students. I was sooo embarassed!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Our Trip to NYC

Felipe sent me some nice pictures that we took when we were in New York in January for the IAJE conference. Here they are!


I just saw Gavin and Melissa's blog and decided that this would be a good way to keep everyone posted on what's going on. I feel like I answer the same five questions everyday so I have decided to get those questions out of the way first so that anyone that sees this won't need to ask.

1.) Felipe is still in South America. He is finishing school and will be back here for good, in May.
2.) The baby is due September 9th-13th
3.) Yes, I have had morning sickness. Thank God it is gone.
4.) We don't know what we're having, but yes we want to find out.
5.) I will be going back to work at some point this year.

There! Now that that is over I am going back to work, and will post again soon. BYE!