Thursday, May 29, 2008

Bennett Engelhardt!!!

I am so incredibly shocked and ecstatic that we have a Bennett! Well, Dan and Tiff got a Bennett, but I am so excited for them. He is so cute. I cannot wait to meet him and play with him and bring him places and do all kinds of fun Auntie and Bennett things!!! I had all I could do to not burst into tears yesterday when they showed me his sweet little face. I am so happy that they don't have to wait anymore to know what he looks like!! Now, though, we have a little bit more time before we get to meet him, so I think we should spent that time shopping. I am going to spend my studyhall today looking for things for him! AHHHHH! I am so excited. OH! And they got the referral on my BIRTHDAY! I was going to guess it, but I thought that would be cheesy.

1 comment:

Mrs. Engelhardt said...

See, you should have guessed your birthday!! I cannot wait for you to meet him! I also think that we ALL have him. You guys have all been so helpful and supportive during this journey!